
  1. it is core of your app. if you build it you can not change it often
  2. routes directly affect the SEO
  3. it is crucial for user (as user might have bookmarked your route => better way it redirection but it is not a good way it is just fallback), it might have indexed
  4. Query
  5. keep your route clean. also take care of query params. don’t change it often. if you change it you have to manage it in robots.txt as well
  6. in your interview give 5 min to routing as well.
  7. How you handle protected route in your system
  8. how will you handle nested route.
  9. impact of routes in SEO
  10. don’t combine auth and route at same place it will not follow single responsibility principle. create a wrapper for authentication or protected route instead.
  11. use Link inside BrowserRouter

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